Crime and Punishment: Photo Gallery

96 products

    96 products
    John Meints, Tarred and Feathered (diptic)
    John Meints, Tarred and Feathered, 1918 - diptych
    Mary Grayson, convinced of Larceny and Mary Snowdon, convinced of Assault with intent to Kill , 1900
    Walter Mengwasser, Murderer and William Earl Miller, Burgler, 1917 (quadriptic)
    Al Jennings, Gunman and Thomas Harris, Murderer , 1902-1917 (quadriptic)
    Landru à la Cour d'Assises, Versailles
    from €160,00
    Landru à la Cour d'Assises, Versailles
    from €160,00
    Mata Hari
    from €160,00
    Mata Hari
    from €160,00
    Fortino Samano Moments before his Execution
    from €160,00
    Joseph Stalin
    from €180,00
    Joe Bucks, Convinced of Murder
    from €160,00
    Alonzo Dowell, Convinced of Robbery and Burglary
    from €160,00
    William Earl Miller, Convinced of Burglary and Larceny
    from €160,00
    Walter Mengwasser, Convinced of Murder
    from €160,00
    Thomas Harris, Convinced of Murder
    from €160,00
    Armstead Collins, Convinced of Robbery
    from €160,00
    Clyde Barrow
    from €160,00
    Mary Snowdon, Convinced of Assault with intent to Kill
    from €160,00
    Mary Grayson, Convinced of Larceny
    from €160,00
    Al Jennings, Gunman, Leader of a Notorious Gang, Convinced of Assault with intend to Murder
    from €160,00
    A Southern Chain Gang
    from €160,00
    Inmate Charles Russell
    from €160,00
    German General Anton Dostler Before his Execution
    from €160,00
    Chinese Prisoner in Cangue
    from €180,00
    Mongolian Woman Condemned to Die of Starvation
    from €160,00
    Virginia Christian, the Last Juvenile Female Executed by the State of Virginia
    from €160,00
    General Alfred Jodel, Nazi War Criminal, Executed by Hanging, Nuremberg
    from €160,00
    A Pow Points out a Former Nazy Guard at Buchenwald Concentration Camp
    from €160,00
    SS Women Camp Guards, Bergen-Belsen
    from €180,00
    Execution of a French Collaborator, Rennes
    from €160,00
    Hermann Goering
    from €160,00
    Execution of Boxers, China
    from €160,00
    Sebastien Bissonier, Journalier, Outrage à la Gendarmerie
    from €160,00
    Alfred Vincent Spanagel, serrurier, Anarchiste
    from €160,00
    Antoinette Cazal, Couturière, Anarchiste
    from €160,00
    Eugène Thiebaut, Couvreur, Anarchiste
    from €160,00
    Joseph Alexandre Bellon, Journalier, Anarchiste
    from €160,00
    Emile Robyns, Marchand de Pierres?, Anarchiste
    from €160,00