Premium Quality Policy

At IPNOSPHOTO, the quality of our Art an Vintage images makes the difference.

We have just one job: photographic prints (no posters, no canevas, no printed pillow cases etc…).

All our prints are made on German Premium Paper, and we only use Japanese Inks.

The result: vivid colors and a perfect contrast balance.

We guarantee a  long lasting stable quality, without lost of tonality.

The result matches with the photographer’s expects, which may slightly differ of what your monitor shows, due to differences of calibrations for colors and contrast for each individual monitor.

Please note that our Vintage and Historical photographies have been, if necessary, restored and enhanced in our Photo Lab, in respect of the original photographic work, and have the best quality expected for images taken with ancient photographic cameras and printed with technics in use at that time, and have to be appreciated as an historical heritage.

We want you to have the best quality print , for a long lasting visual pleasure.